Fleet Management

Basic Fleet Management
  • - Daily Movement of vehicles
  • - Speed Reporting
  • - Android/Iphone Mobile App
  • - Remote Demobilizing of Vehicles
  • - Ignition on/off
  • - Vehicle grouping and Sub grouping
  • - Mileage Report
  • - One click access to all vehicles
Advance Fleet Management
  • - Daily Movement of vehicles
  • - Speed Reporting
  • - Android/Iphone Mobile App
  • - Remote Demobilizing of Vehicles
  • - Daily, weekly and monthly reports to preregistered email
  • - In/Out Notification, email and in-app popup
  • - In/Out Geofencing
  • - Ignition on/off
  • - Vehicle grouping and Sub grouping
  • - Mileage Report

One click access to all vehicles. We track trucks , cars , bikes hit me up and let’s get forward - 07082747466